Farm establishes domain and enables physical bets
Written by :
Heloisa Vasconcelos
Betting sites authorized by the federal government must use the domain name “” to operate in Brazil. This was determined by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat, in an ordinance published last Friday (3).
The document also allows fixed-odds bets to be placed in physical form, at betting terminals. In the case of online games, the restriction to the virtual environment remains.
The ordinance contains rules and guidelines that must be followed by betting house systems, including specificities regarding data protection, digital security and information sharing with the government and bettors.
The text also brings up the possibility for betting operators to offer “loyalty programs” to bettors, a possible solution to the ban on welcome bonuses .
Betting system
According to the ordinance, operating agents must maintain betting systems certified by a certifying entity whose operational capacity has been recognized by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance, under the terms of Ordinance MF/SPA No. 300, of February 23, 2024.
The certifying entity must issue annual assessment reports to validate the betting systems. According to the document, the operating agent must, at any time, grant full access to the betting systems to the inspection units and agents of the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance.
The betting system must require a new bettor authentication process after a period of 30 minutes of inactivity on a device, and no bets or financial transactions will be allowed until the bettor is authenticated again, to ensure the bettor’s identification.
In addition, he must record all transactions involving loyalty programs eventually offered to the bettor, considering the prohibitions imposed by art. 29 of Law No. 14,790, of 2023.
The ordinance defines as a “loyalty program” any program that offers “incentives to bettors based on the volume of play or revenue received from a bettor”, which may be a form of bonus.
Online games
The document published in a special edition of the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) also contains specifications for online games permitted in betting regulations.
The ordinance defines that games must have a multiplication factor for the amount bet so that the prize to be received can be predicted at the time the bet is placed.
The system must have a random generator of numbers, symbols, figures or objects defined in the game rules.
The certifying entity authorized by the Prizes and Betting Secretariat of the Ministry of Finance must review the source code of each and every randomness algorithm that defines the result of the game.
To be certified, the system must undergo statistical tests carried out by the certifying entity.